How to make money with affiliate marketing, and who is it for?

Whether you’re a sole entrepreneur or a group looking to make passive income through revenue-sharing marketing, there’s an easy way to start. However, it’s important to know which niche works to generate strong leads, how to use channels, and how to find the right partner program. Learn how to make money from CPA marketing with BetZillion and Paripesa and how people like Matt Diggity earn $400,000/month through revenue sharing.

Fitness influencers are talking about food supplements or beauty. YouTubers promote certain products as the best while offering exclusive promo codes for discounts or extra gifts – it’s all a part of revenue-sharing marketing. Even popular test sites such as rtings engage in it by promoting products they deem the best.

Anyone can start with affiliate marketing and get paid based on their success at generating clicks, registrations, or purchases for their partners. It entirely depends on which model of collaboration you choose.

Money Talks – How to Earn with Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a popular career path for solo entrepreneurs looking to make passive income, and it’s easy to see why.

Like any business, it comes with some drawbacks, such as time constraints and risk, but it also allows you to work as much as you want, and you get paid for your performance alone.

As a way to generate extra income by putting your skills or knowledge about a hobby to work with little to no cost, affiliate marketing is a profession for those who want to work on something they’re passionate about and step away from mundane 9-5 jobs.

Matt Diggity, one of the most respected names in affiliate marketing, is a perfect example.

Despite being in a good spot financially, working at a Silicon Valley startup, Diggity realized that working 60 hours a week wasn’t sustainable. Instead, he searched for other ways of making money on his own when he discovered the potential of SEO.

Today, Diggity’s net worth is estimated at around $3 after selling 50 niche sites since 2011, and he earns roughly $400,000/month through his companies and websites. Other individuals who have similar success stories include Pat Flynn, Gael Breton, Nate O’Brien, and Zack Johnson.

Diggity is just one of many examples of a common person taking advantage of the potential of SEO CPA marketing. Yet, like any business endeavor, even passive income-generating businesses take time and preparation.